JAMA. Published online March 22, 2018. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.1536
P values and accompanying methods of statistical significance testing
are creating challenges in biomedical science and other disciplines. The vast
majority (96%) of articles that report P values in the
abstract, full text, or both include some values of .05 or less.1 However, many of the claims that these reports highlight are likely
false.2 Recognizing the major importance of the statistical significance
conundrum, the American Statistical Association (ASA) published3 a statement on P values in 2016. The status quo is
widely believed to be problematic, but how exactly to fix the problem is far
more contentious. The contributors to the ASA statement also wrote 20
independent, accompanying commentaries focusing on different aspects and
prioritizing different solutions. Another large coalition of 72 methodologists
recently proposed4 a specific, simple move: lowering the routine P value
threshold for claiming statistical significance from .05 to .005 for new
discoveries. The proposal met with strong endorsement in some circles and
concerns in others.
P values are misinterpreted, overtrusted, and misused. The language of
the ASA statement enables the dissection of these 3 problems. Multiple
misinterpretations of P values exist, but the most common one
is that they represent the “probability that the studied hypothesis is true.”3 A P value of .02 (2%) is wrongly considered to mean
that the null hypothesis (eg, the drug is as effective as placebo) is 2% likely
to be true and the alternative (eg, the drug is more effective than placebo) is
98% likely to be correct. Overtrust ensues when it is forgotten that “proper
inference requires full reporting and transparency.”3 Better-looking (smaller) P values alone do not
guarantee full reporting and transparency. In fact, smaller P values
may hint to selective reporting and nontransparency. The most common misuse of
the P value is to make “scientific conclusions and business or
policy decisions” based on “whether a P value passes a
specific threshold” even though “a P value, or statistical
significance, does not measure the size of an effect or the importance of a
result,” and “by itself, a P value does not provide a good
measure of evidence.”3
These 3 major problems mean that passing a statistical
significance threshold (traditionally P = .05) is wrongly equated
with a finding or an outcome (eg, an association or a treatment effect) being
true, valid, and worth acting on. These misconceptions affect researchers,
journals, readers, and users of research articles, and even media and the
public who consume scientific information. Most claims supported with P values
slightly below .05 are probably false (ie, the claimed associations and
treatment effects do not exist). Even among those claims that are true, few are
worth acting on in medicine and health care.
Lowering the threshold for claiming statistical
significance is an old idea. Several scientific fields have carefully
considered how low a P value should be for a research finding
to have a sufficiently high chance of being true. For example, adoption of
genome-wide significance thresholds (P < 5 × 10−8) in
population genomics has made discovered associations highly replicable and
these associations also appear consistently when tested in new populations. The
human genome is very complex, but the extent of multiplicity of significance
testing involved is known, the analyses are systematic and transparent, and a
requirement for P < 5 × 10−8 can be cogently
arrived at.
However, for most other types of biomedical research,
the multiplicity involved is unclear and the analyses are nonsystematic and
nontransparent. For most observational exploratory research that lacks
preregistered protocols and analysis plans, it is unclear how many analyses
were performed and what various analytic paths were explored. Hidden
multiplicity, nonsystematic exploration, and selective reporting may affect
even experimental research and randomized trials. Even though it is now more
common to have a preexisting protocol and statistical analysis plan and
preregistration of the trial posted on a public database, there are still
substantial degrees of freedom regarding how to analyze data and outcomes and
what exactly to present. In addition, many studies in contemporary clinical
investigation focus on smaller benefits or risks; therefore, the risk of
various biases affecting the results increases.
Moving the P value threshold from .05
to .005 will shift about one-third of the statistically significant results of
past biomedical literature to the category of just “suggestive.”1 This shift is essential for those who believe (perhaps crudely) in
black and white, significant or nonsignificant categorizations. For the vast
majority of past observational research, this recategorization would be
welcome. For example, mendelian randomization studies show that only few past
claims from observational studies with P < .05 represent causal
relationships.5 Thus, the proposed reduction in the level for declaring statistical
significance may dismiss mostly noise with relatively little loss of valuable
information. For randomized trials, the proportion of true effects that emerge
with P values in the window from .005 to .05 will be higher,
perhaps the majority in several fields. However, most findings would not
represent treatment effects that are large enough for outcomes that are serious
enough to make them worthy of further action. Thus, the reduction in the P value
threshold may largely do more good than harm, despite also removing an
occasional true and useful treatment effect from the coveted significance zone.
Regardless, the need for also focusing on the magnitude of all treatment
effects and their uncertainty (such as with confidence intervals) cannot be
Lowering the threshold of statistical significance is
a temporizing measure. It would work as a dam that could help gain time and
prevent drowning by a flood of statistical significance, while promoting
better, more-durable solutions.6 These solutions may involve abandoning statistical significance
thresholds or P values entirely. If any thresholds are to
continue in use, even lower thresholds are probably preferable for most
observational research. Comprehensive reviews (termed umbrella reviews)
that have evaluated multiple systematic reviews of observational studies
propose a P < 10−6 threshold.5 In addition, falsification end-point methods (ie, using such Pvalue
thresholds that almost all well-established null associations will not be able
to pass them) also point to very low P values.7 With the advent of big data, statistical significance will
increasingly mean very little because extremely low P values
are routinely obtained for signals that are too small to be useful even if
Adopting lower P value thresholds may
help promote a reformed research agenda with fewer, larger, and more carefully
conceived and designed studies with sufficient power to pass these more
demanding thresholds. However, collateral harms may also emerge. Bias may
escalate rather than decrease if researchers and other interested parties (eg,
for-profit sponsors) try to find ways to make the results have lower P values.
Selected study end points may become even less clinically relevant because it
is easier to reach lower P values with weak surrogate end
points than with hard clinical outcomes. Moreover, results that pass a lower P value
threshold may be limited by greater regression to the mean and new discoveries
may have even more exaggerated effect sizes than before.
Because the proposed threshold of P < .005
is imperfect, other more difficult but more durable alternative solutions should
also be contemplated (Table). These solutions vary based on how quickly and
easily they can be adopted. They can target the use and interpretation of the
past biomedical literature accumulated to date or the design and deployment of
the new literature that will accumulate in the future. The situation is dire
for the past literature because there is no perfect remedy after the fact. In
the long-term, the scientific workforce will need to be more properly trained
in using the best fit for purpose statistical inference tools and biases will
need to be addressed preemptively rather than retrospectively. However, these
may continue to be largely unachievable goals.

Various Proposed
Solutions for Improving Statistical Inference on a Large Scale
Data are becoming more complex. If time for rigorous
training in methods and statistics for researchers and for research users
remains limited, subpar medical statistics and concomitant misinterpretations
may continue. Nevertheless, hopefully several fields will adopt better
standards for P values, will decrease their dependence onP values,
and enhance the adoption of other useful inferential tools (eg, Bayesian
statistics) when appropriate. The rapidity and extent of these changes is
unpredictable. Low adoption in the past may cause some pessimism. However, a
fresh start and a rapid acceleration of adoption of better practices is always
possible. Incentives from major journals and funders as well as radical changes
in training curricula may be necessary to achieve more widespread and effective
1. Chavalarias D, Wallach JD, Li AH,
Ioannidis JP. Evolution of reporting P values in
the biomedical literature, 1990-2015. JAMA.
2. Ioannidis JP. Why most published
research findings are false. PLoS Med. 2005;2(8):e124.
3. Wasserstein RL, Lazar NA. The
ASA’s statement on P-values: context, process, and purpose. Am
Stat. 2016;70(2):129-133.
4. Benjamin DJ, Berger JO, Johnson
VE, et al. Redefine statistical significance. Nat
Hum Behav. 2018;2:6-10.
5. Li X, Meng X, Timofeeva M,
et al. Serum uric acid levels and multiple health outcomes. BMJ.
6. Resnick B. What a nerdy debate about P values
shows about science-and how to fix it.https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/7/31/16021654/p-values-statistical-significance-redefine-0005.
Accessed February 1, 2018.
7. Prasad V, Jena AB. Prespecified
falsification end points. JAMA. 2013;309(3):241-242.