
Systematic review of physical activity and exercise interventions on body mass indices, subsequent physical activity and psychological symptoms in overweight and obese adolescents.

Ruotsalainen H1Kyngäs H2,3Tammelin T4Kääriäinen M2.
 J Adv Nurs. 2015 May 29. doi: 10.1111/jan.12696. (Review) PMID: 26031309



To examine the effects of physical activity and exercise interventions on body mass index, subsequent physical activity and psychological symptoms for overweight and obese adolescents (12-18 years).


Overweight and obesity have increased among adolescents globally and physical activity has decreased. Healthcare systems face challenges promoting physical activity and in treating obesity. Promotion of physical activity must be effective and school nurses should be equipped with the information and resources required to implement counselling for overweight and obese adolescents.


A systematic review of randomized controlled trials was conducted according to procedures by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination and the Joanna Briggs Institute.


Research studies published between 1950-2013 were identified from the following databases. CINAHL, MEDLINE (Ovid) and PsycINFO.


Selected studies were reviewed for quality and a risk-of-bias assessment was conducted for the included studies. A narrative synthesis was used to report results, while a fixed-effect meta-analysis was used to analyse the interventions effects on physical activity and body mass index.


Fourteen published studies were included to this review. Supervised exercise interventions most affected adolescents' body mass index. The interventions effect on adolescents' physical activity was small and heterogeneous. Two interventions positively affected psychological symptoms.


Interventions were complex, with more than one component and the aspect that effectively promotes physical activity in obese adolescents was not clear. However, it seems that exercise interventions affect the body mass index of overweight or obese adolescents. Interventions that include a component for promoting physical activity with or without supervised exercise can affect subsequent physical activity and body mass index.


Speech and Language Delay and Disorders in Children Age 5 and Younger: Screening.

The USPSTF concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening for speech and language delay and disorders in children aged 5 years or younger.
To view the recommendation and the evidence on which it is based, please go to 

PopulationAsymptomatic children aged ≤5 years whose parents or clinicians do not have specific concerns about their speech, language, hearing, or development
RecommendationNo recommendation.
Grade: I statement (insufficient evidence)
Risk AssessmentRisk factors that have been reported to be associated with speech and language delay and disorders include male sex, family history of speech and language impairment, low parental education level, and perinatal risk factors (e.g., prematurity, low birth weight, and birth difficulties).
Screening TestsThe USPSTF found inadequate evidence on specific screening tests for use in primary care settings. Widely used screening tests in the United States include the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, the Language Development Survey, and the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory.
Treatment and InterventionsInterventions for childhood speech and language disorders vary widely and can include speech-language therapy sessions and assistive technology (if indicated). Interventions are commonly individualized to each child's specific pattern of symptoms, needs, interests, personality, and learning style.
Balance of Benefits and HarmsThe current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening and interventions for speech and language delay and disorders in young children in primary care settings.
Other Relevant USPSTF RecommendationsThe USPSTF recommends screening for hearing loss in all newborn infants, and is developing a recommendation on screening for autism spectrum disorder in young children (available at www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org).


Primary prevention of childhood obesity, second edition.

Primary prevention of childhood obesity, second edition.

Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO). Primary prevention of childhood obesity, second edition. Toronto (ON): Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO); 2014 May. 140 p. [265 references]

Major Recommendations
The levels of evidence supporting the recommendations (Ia, Ib, IIa, IIb, III, IV) are defined at the end of the "Major Recommendations" field.
Practice Recommendations
Recommendation 1.1
Routinely assess children's nutrition, physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and growth according to established guidelines, beginning as early as possible in a child's lifespan.
(Level of Evidence = IV)
Recommendation 1.2
Assess the family environment for factors (e.g., parenting/primary caregiver influences and socio-cultural factors) that may increase children's risk of obesity.
(Level of Evidence = IV)
Recommendation 1.3
Collaborate with school leaders to assess elementary-school environments for risk and protective conditions that influence childhood obesity, including:
  • Student demographics
  • School policies
  • Food and physical activity environments
(Level of Evidence = IV)
Recommendation 1.4
Assess neighbourhoods for community-level risk and protective conditions that influence childhood obesity.
(Level of Evidence = IV)
Recommendation 2.1
Engage community stakeholders when planning primary-prevention interventions for childhood obesity.
(Level of Evidence = IIb)
Recommendation 2.2
Develop interventions that are:
  • Universally applied, as early as possible (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Targeted toward multiple behaviours (Level of Evidence = IV)
  • Implemented using multiple approaches (Level of Evidence = IIa)
  • Inclusive of parents/primary caregivers and the family (Level of Evidence = IIa), and
  • Implemented simultaneously in multiple settings (Level of Evidence = IIa)
Recommendation 3.1
Support exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life followed by breastfeeding and complementary feeding up to two years of age or beyond.
(Level of Evidence = III)
Recommendation 3.2
Provide education and social support to help parents/primary caregivers to promote healthy eating and physical activity in infants and toddlers.
(Level of Evidence = Ib)
Recommendation 3.3
Collaborate with parents/primary caregivers, educators and support staff (e.g., teachers, child care providers, school leaders) to promote healthy eating and physical activity in all settings where preschool children gather.
(Level of Evidence = Ib)
Recommendation 3.4
Collaborate with school communities to promote regular physical activity among elementary-school children.
(Level of Evidence = IIb)
Recommendation 3.5
Facilitate and support the integration of health and nutrition education into elementary-school programs and support the improvement of the school food environment.
(Level of Evidence = IIa–III)
Recommendation 4.1
Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the family's approach to healthy eating and physical activity.
(Level of Evidence = IV)
Recommendation 4.2
Evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of school- and community-based primary-prevention initiatives.
(Level of Evidence = IV)
Recommendation 4.3
Advocate and support the evaluation of an organization's compliance with healthy public policies, and the impact of such policies on childhood eating behaviours and physical activity.
(Level of Evidence = III)
Education Recommendations
Recommendation 5.1
Incorporate foundational primary-prevention curricula based on this Guideline into the undergraduate education of nurses and other health-care providers.
(Level of Evidence = IV)
Recommendation 5.2
Health-care professionals should participate in continuing education to enhance their ability to support the positive behavioural and environmental changes for children, families, and communities recommended in this Guideline.
(Level of Evidence = IV)