
Strategies to prevent dental caries in children and adolescents: evidence-based guidance on identifying high caries risk children and developing preve

Strategies to prevent dental caries in children and adolescents: evidence-based guidance on identifying high caries risk children and developing preventive strategies for high caries risk children in Ireland.
Irish Oral Health Services Guideline Initiative. Strategies to prevent dental caries in children and adolescents: evidence-based guidance on identifying high caries risk children and developing preventive strategies for high caries risk children in Ireland. Cork (Ireland): Oral Health Services Research Centre; 2009. 90 p
Preventive Strategies

Oral health messages should be incorporated into relevant general health promotion interventions for children and adolescents as part of a common risk factor approach to improving oral health. [D]


Oral health education to parents/carers, children and adolescents should encourage healthy eating, in line with national dietary guidelines. [D]
Parents/carers should be encouraged to limit their child's consumption of sugar-containing foods and drinks, and when possible, to confine their consumption to mealtimes. [D]
Children and adolescents should be encouraged to limit their consumption of sugar-containing foods and drinks, and when possible, to confine their consumption to mealtimes. [D]
Parents and carers of children who use a baby bottle should be advised never to put sweet drinks, including fruit juice, into the bottle. [C]
Parents and carers should be advised not to let their child sleep or nap with a baby bottle or feeder cup. [GPP]
Parents/carers and children should be advised that foods and drinks containing sugar substitutes are available, but should be consumed in moderation. [D]
Sugar-free medicines should be used, when available. [D]
Topical Fluorides

Under 2 Years of Age: At Risk Children

Parents/carers should be encouraged to brush their child's teeth as soon as the first tooth appears, using a soft toothbrush and water only. [D]
Under 2 Years of Age: High Caries Risk Children

Parents/carers of children who are assessed as being at high caries risk should be encouraged to brush their child's teeth:
With fluoride toothpaste containing at least 1,000 parts per million fluoride (ppm F) [A]
Twice a day [B]
At bedtime and one other time during the day [GPP]
Using a small pea size amount of toothpaste [D]
Age 2 Years and Over